Paper Zelda - A Crafted Parody (2020)
A film by 64Bits
During this project, I mostly helped out in the visual development
by doing a part of the character- and background design.
During this project, I mostly helped out in the visual development
by doing a part of the character- and background design.
Designing Ganondorf
Sketch (left) and final design (right)
They look almost the same, since I almost immediately found the right design for him (he's strongly based on the wind waker Ganondorf).
They look almost the same, since I almost immediately found the right design for him (he's strongly based on the wind waker Ganondorf).
Majora's Mask - Clocktown scene
For this scene, I made the background (above) and designed most of the characters.
(The moon itself was made by one of the interns, so I made it transparent)
(The moon itself was made by one of the interns, so I made it transparent)
The buildings in the moon background were made by designing the walls from the front
and skewing them in the right perspective, afterwards.
and skewing them in the right perspective, afterwards.
Some sketches and color keys I made for this background.
And the design and sketch for the postman
Sketches and final design for Kafei and Anju
I designed the Happy Mask Salesman and made masks of the 64bits team and myself, as an easter egg
Two rough backgrounds for the Happy Mask Salesman scene

Sketches of the masks and an unused Guru Guru
I used a lot of reference from Twilight Town in Paper Mario - the thousand year door for the Majora's mask scenes.
Breath of the wild 2 Cave

Bridge of Eldin
Color keys for the background of the battle with king Bulblin
I designed Lord Bullbo (the swine) and poor little Colin.
Rough background of the Darunia scene. Final background is made by Niels Beekes
Some small background sketches and an early (unused) sketch of Gohma
Early sketches
Some early sketches from the very first stage of the film